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Kiwi | Kiwi Berry

Updated: May 23, 2022

Kiwi joined our pack in October 2021. She had already been with a previous foster for nearly six months but was still looking for her furever home and needed some more work to help her come out of her shell. For the first couple weeks, Kiwi preferred to hide in the crate or lay scrunched in corners or under furniture, and she also wasn't comfortable enough to use the bathroom in the backyard. She was also easily spooked by many noises around the house or out on walks. But she made a great work-from-home coworker and loved to sleep right under your chair or feet. After a month or so of staying with us, Kiwi really started to settle in and feel more comfortable, and she could be frequently spotted laying on couches or out next to her foster siblings. Kiwi loved to give you her Pyr paw and would even give the cutest double Pyr paw when asked.

Kiwi was finally adopted in January 2022. She now goes by Yuki and lives in the Seattle area with her two human parents and Pyr mix brother. Yuki, which means "snow" in Japanese, is the perfect name for her because Kiwi absolutely loves the snow!

A Pack Above LLC - Dog Walking for Kirkland, Redmond, Woodinville, Bothell, Bellevue, Kenmore - Dog Walker - Pack Walks

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